An easy way to cook, a wonderful moment to taste!
Let 's grab a Spatula!
相信喜歡下廚的朋友廚房裡一定不難找到Spatulas的蹤影, Spatulas一字中文意思可解作為抹刀, 鍋鏟或刮刀等工具。對Kitling而言, 尤其鐘愛Spatulas-刮刀。刮刀在廣東話中有個盞鬼的別名叫「孤寒刮」(粵音: gu1 hon4 gwaat3) 。孤寒刮背後意思就是形容這種刮刀很吝嗇, 它都不會讓食材剩太多在器皿中。 簡單說就是不要浪費食材的意思。我相信都大概沒什麼語言能比廣東話將刮刀的別名譯得更傳神了。
Spatulas are definitely helpful hands in kitchen. For me, I do love using a rubber spatula while cooking. It has an interesting Cantonese nickname called孤寒刮 (Pronounce as : gu1 hon4 gwaat3). Gu Hon means stingy, Gwaat means a spatula. Why Cantonese describes it as stingy? Because we don't want to leave too much ingredients in our mixing bowls, a rubber spatula is an ideal tool to do that. The message behind the Cantonese translation is really perfect!
多謝大家在Spatulas in Kitchen留下足跡=)
愛上烹飪的原因很簡單,就是要尋找及創造出自已及身邊人喜愛的味道。飯桌上能集結著不同國家的美食之餘再加上自已喜愛的口味, 是多麼幸福的一件事。
創造食物的過程是快樂及令人雀躍的, 希望可以透過Spatulas in Kitchen 與大家分享小小烹飪心得和製作食物的故事,藉此感染大家一起去創造叫人感到幸福的味道。
Wanna say something?
歡迎大家向Sapatulas in Kitchen提出任何關於食物,食譜及網頁的意見及建議。
Sapatulas in Kitchen is always welcome for comments, questions and suggestions about food, recipes and the website.